If you are wanting to change your lifestyle and get into the best shape of your life, there are 3 things that are an absolute MUST to succeed long-term.

So without further jabbering, let’s dive right in!

Step #1: Adopt the “Lifestyle Mindset” and defend it with your life.

What do I mean by “lifestyle mindset”?

It means stepping out of the quick-fix 21st Century mindset that we are all plagued with on a daily basis.

Let’s be real with ourselves.

We have been conditioned to think that dieting, fat-burning pills and hormonal altering peptide shots are the answer to our health and fitness woes.

But in reality, NONE of these quick-fix approaches will last in the long run. Trust me, even if you are thinking to yourself, “sure Griff, but I just need a quick boost in the right direction, and then I will make the necessary lifestyle changes”, I can honestly tell you that those are the famous last words to the vast majority of failed fitness dreams.

In contrast, you have to adopt the mindset that you are ALL-IN when it comes to your health and fitness. Place it as your number #1 priority over everything else in your life.

I know that sounds bold, but trust me here…

You will quickly find that you become a more loving, productive and compassionate person. Don’t judge it until you try it;)

Furthermore, make the commitment that there is no expiration to your health and fitness. You are looking at the rest of your life, and therefore you must adopt lifestyle habits that support your goal.

Step #2: Throw out all of your processed food and set up a food prep system.

This one is straight forward, but many people experience resistance to this one because they don’t want to waste their food. Trust me, you are not going to make significant change with processed foods and treats in your house.

If you don’t want to waste the food, give it to the Food Bank or to your worse enemy;)

After you clear your food out and replace it with whole foods, you need to have a FOOD PREP SYSTEM in place! There are many ways to do this but at it’s core you will need a day of the week where you get to the grocery store to stock up on your food and then you come home and “pre-prep” it. Say for example you wanted some sweet potato’s for the week. You will bake 2-3 of them so that they are ready for you to eat throughout the week.

The idea here is to always have prepared foods so that you don’t find yourself in a bind where you have to bail yourself out with fast food or processed food. Once you find a day that works for you stick with it. It is also wise to carve some daily meal prep time to make sure that you have all of your food ready to take to work.

Step #3: Adopt the art of “calendaring” and take ACTION!

This is the simple act of putting your food prep time, workout time, and time for self care into your calendar.

Most people take this step for granted, and as a result they slip back into their old scheduling habits that got them in trouble in the first place.

Do this NOW! Take out your phone make a permanent slot for exercise and food prep so that it becomes a top priority for you just like a meeting at work.

This simple act show that you respect and reverence this time because it is so important to you.

Well, there you have it my friends!

These 3 simple steps are so fundamental to your long-term health that I cannot overstate it.

Give this at least 3 months to form a new habit and I can promise you that you will NOT regret it!

Life is Good!

P.S. If you would like help in setting up your lifestyle change we can help! Learn more here:

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