Wow! It is already Summer 2010 and man are we feeling it! I don’t think too many of us object to the warmer weather! Summer is a time that reminds us that life is to be lived ACTIVELY! During the winter it is much easier to get into an “office” or “house” routine that limits our physical activity. Unfortunately some of us get into “vacation” mode during the summer with is great…but it sometimes transcends into our fitness and nutritional way of life as well. “I will start back on my routine when school starts” is a common theme I have heard countless times. I must be honest, when I say this is frustrating to say the least. In keeping with our mission to help change your lifestyle I want to devote this blog to that purpose.
Step #1: Re-Focus your Lens
Most of us view fitness and nutrition as a vehicle to deliver us to a short term destination. What I mean by this is, “I have a Lake Powell trip coming up in two months”, or my personal favorite, “I have a class reunion coming up in three months and I need to drop 40 lbs.” It’s as though we are only concerned about our health for a specific period of time and for superficial reasons. The perspective that is essential to have is that of a long term lifestyle change. You have to start to think in terms of permanency. Try this today. Think of what you want to achieve and then imagine maintaining that for the rest of your life…that is exactly what you are going to do. No more diets, no more funky workout programs that only last for a predetermined amount of time, just a lifestyle where working out is the norms and healthy eating
Step #2: Adjust your attitude
There are many activities in our lives that we do not initially enjoy but learn to love later. Entering into a healthy lifestyle is very similar. At first you will find the changes hard and challenging but eventually your daily activities will become habit and you will find yourself enjoying your newfound lifestyle. It helps to look upon your new life as rewarding and enjoyable rather than daunting and repressing. Attitude goes further than most people realize and this step should not be overlooked.
Step #3: Give your new lifestyle a chance (Be consistent and persistent)
I have seen countless people get very excited and motivated to start an exercise program but then fizzle out later when the going gets tough. “I get too sore”, “I don’t have the time”, “I don’t know what I am doing” are some of the common excuses employed preceeding the drop-out of that persons exercise and nutritional routine. The problem stems from the fact that we need a little will power to change our lifestyle but our current “convienant based lifestyle” mentality kicks in to sabatoge our efforts. Do not ever give up! Yes it will be a little hard but worth it! The only way to change your lifestyle is to give it an adequate chance to change…something very few of us ever achieve.
Step#4: Schedule your workouts and meals
This is where you design your battle plan. Take a few moments at the start of every week and schedule your meals and your workouts. This is where you are making your lifestyle a priority. This is a very important step because it forces you to make time for yourself a priority. The #1 reason that people fail at fitness is because of “lack of time”. In my opionion this is an absolute load of nonsense because we ALL have the time it is the act of making the time. This step is worth the 15-20 minutes invested into it.
Step #5: Stop being LAZY!
Yes you heard me right! Laziness has become an American Pastime as it relates to healthy nutrition and fitness. If you don’t believe me checkout the latest statistics concerning obesity in America. This means getting our butts off the couch on a consistent basis and following through with your plans. If you find yourself offended by this suggestion then please refer to step #2 again and apply it again.
Step #6: Form a new habit!
Your habits are a sub-conscience function. Think about it…do you think of your daily routines? Do you think about whether to take a shower or brush your teeth? I hope you are answering no at this point J. My point here is that you need to be so habitual about exercise and nutrition that it becomes second nature to you on a sub-conscience level. It is at this point that you will not have to worry about regression or relapse. The only way to get there is to continue on your healthy lifestyle path day after day, month after month, year after year.
Step #7: Maintain your lifestyle and ENJOY it!
Unfortunately those who have truly obtained a Phase IV lifestyle (a good healthy lifestyle) are the minority in America now. More than half of the American population is either overweight or obese. I congratulate all of you that have successfully changed your lifestyle and urge you to enjoy it! Hold your head high and be of good cheer because now all you have to do is maintain it. I would also encourage you to spread the word! Fitness is infectious and you will find yourself influencing many people to change their lives for the better.
Well there you have it my friends. I realize that many of you are at different steps in your lives and I would encourage you to apply these principles as appropriate. I would encourage you to always remember one thing…life is good!