Oh our brain…aren’t we so glad that we have one?

Just think of all of the cool things that it does for us right?  It tells us when we are hungry, it helps us solve problems and it even helps us feel really good when we are experiencing a positive emotion.

In fact our brain is so cool that it automatically puts 90% or more of our daily actions into “auto-pilot” mode.

This is a really good thing and a really bad thing.

It’s a good thing because it helps us not waste energy on everyday mundane tasks, which from a primal perspective is really good.


Is this auto-pilot feature always a good thing?

Think bad habits…aren’t they just another function of auto-pilot?


So in this weeks video I want to share with you a simple technique that will help you disrupt this pesky little habit and increase your awareness.

Check out the 3 minute video below:

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