The 3 Most Important Things You Can Do To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life…
If you are wanting to change your lifestyle and get into the best shape of your life, there are 3 things that are an absolute MUST to succeed long-term. So without further jabbering, let’s dive right in! Step #1: Adopt the “Lifestyle Mindset” and defend it with your life. What do I mean by “lifestyle […]
This Mental Killer Will Destroy Your Health & Fitness…
It is virtually impossible to get fit and stay healthy if you have this destructive mental habit…
Life Is Meant To Be Hard, But It’s Worth It!
Sometimes we get upset when life gets hard. But what if we could view this differently and know that it’s for our benefit?
A Few Simple & Affordable Tests For Your Overall Health & Fitness
If you want a good overall snap shot of your health and fitness without breaking the bank, this article will give you a few simple & easy tests to perform at home or at a clinic.
Is There a Spiritual Side of Fitness?
Is there really a spiritual side of fitness? Can we really compartmentalize our lives into different boxes such as finances, health, spirituality etc.?
Without These 3 Lifestyle Traits Your Health & Fitness Is Doomed To Failure…
If you want to optimize your health and fitness start with these 3 essential lifestyle traits.
New Years PRIORITIES Beat The Crap Out Of Resolutions…
Its time to call out the resolutions once and for all. Your chances of succeeding all come down to your PRIORITIES!
This Is Why Pain IS Pleasureable…
We human beings are funny creatures. We are incredibly complex and yet we are so simple. At a basic level we are designed by Mother Nature to engage two very fundamental practices: Practice #1: Avoid PAIN! Practice #2: Seek pleasure Notice the hierarchy here. We first seek to avoid pain rather than to seek pleasure. […]
The Heavy Handed Truth Will Set You Free
Oftentimes we tell ourselves that we are not responsible for our health and happiness. In this brief article you will learn 3 truths to set you free
Why Perfection Spells Disaster For Your Health & Fitness
Perfectionism usually has a negative connotation to it, but in reality our culture embraces it. Learn how it can destroy your health if you don’t deal with it.