I always encounter begining exercisers that have many questions about how to get started on a new exercise program, so I decided that I would refer them to my blog!  This article reflects the official position of the American College of Sports Medicine.   The following is intended to give you a basic framework to work under as it pertains to how much exercise you should do when starting and maintaining an exercise program.

Cardiovascular Exercise Guidelines

Do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week




Do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week

So what does all of this add up to?

ACSM recommends that adults participate in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity physical activity (PA) to prevent significant weight gain and reduce associated chronic disease risk factors. It is recommended that overweight and obese individuals participate in this level of PA to elicit modest reductions in body weight but should participate in approximately 250 to 300 minutes of PA per week for greater weight loss and enhanced prevention of weight regain.


And For Strength Training


Do eight to 10 strength-training exercises, eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week.

Moderate-intensity physical activity means working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat, yet still being able to carry on a conversation. It should be noted that to lose weight or maintain weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity may be necessary. The 30-minute recommendation is for the average healthy adult to maintain health and reduce the risk for chronic disease.

Tips for meeting the guidelines (from ACSM)

With busy work schedules, family obligations, and packed weekends, it can often be difficult to get the recommended amount of physical activity. Try these tips for incorporating exercise into your life:

Well, there you have it my friends!  These are basic guidelines that apply to just about everybody accept competitive athletes.  I hope this helps clarify things.  Take care, be well and stay healthy because life truly is good!

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