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As human beings we are hard-wired to either avoid pain or to seek pleasure, and in that order.

Our biology has been constructed in this manner to ensure our survival, and let’s face it, it really came in handy for our ancestors when they were fleeing from a bear, or trying to procreate.

We owe a lot to our biology. In fact we owe our very existence to it.

But, often times we drown out the messages of our biology because they feel uncomfortable to us.

To illustrate my point I want you to imagine two different but similar scenarios.

First off we have the classic example of your hand touching a hot stove. When your hand senses the heat, it properly interprets it as a threat to the organism and sends a powerful and prompt message to your nervous system to remove your hand.

In this classic example, your nervous system is working for your survival and hardly anybody would resist such an urge because resistance to the urge would equal harm to your body!

“Ostrich Syndrome”

In my second example I want to turn your attention to the collective health of modern day western civilization.

As a human species, would you say that we are collectively healthy or less than stellar?

Unless you practice denial, you would be forced to admit that our health is not that great, as we swim in a pool of preventable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

My next question is this…

What do most of us do when our body breaks down or starts to function sub-optimally?

For most, a quick visit to our doctor or local drug store is our first response.

And what about our accompanying mindset when it come to our physical discomfort?

I am no mind reader, but I constantly hear statements such as these:

“I must be getting older. That is why my joints hurt”, or “I wonder how I can get this pain to go away?”.

We look at the pain as a source of annoyance, and in some cases injustice.

Why are we in pain? It is not fair!

Whether we are talking about indigestion from the foods that we are eating, our joints hurting from lack of appropriate exercise or high inflammation (again from what we are eating), or our energy levels waning, we continually fall into the 21st Century mindset trap of either ignoring it, passing it off (I am too old), or trying to put a bandage over it with medications, injections or even therapies.

What If Our Discomfort Is Trying to Give Us More Comfort?

But what if we switched our mindset?

What if we started looking at our discomforts as mind, body and soul TEACHERS ?

What if we were to look at our low energy levels and see that as a very helpful teacher, that is teaching us to take better care of our body so that it can GIVE us more energy?

What if we were to listen to our aching joints/back/neck and be instructed how they are out of balance because they are not getting the proper amount of physical activity and exercise? What if they are crying to be released from the years of working in Corporate America, forcing your to sit all day long and stare at a screen as you slump into a postural ball of degeneration?

What if your headaches are telling you that you are dehydrated, taking in too much inflammatory foods, or not exercising enough (or too much for that matter)?

Your Body Is The Best Barometer Of Your Health

Sometimes we don’t want to admit it, but our body is a highly refined and fool-proof feedback mechanism that is always giving us information as to what it needs for optimal health.

The trick here is to not fall for the collective western wisdom of covering it up with a pain pill, a shot, a hormonal replacement bandage or a surgery that does not get to the root cause of discomfort.

Yes, it is hard to change habits, and yes you will have to be uncomfortable at first so that you can be comfortable later. Nobody loves exercising if they have not done it for 10 years and nobody wants to give up their nightly ice cream in favor of more healthy choices.

But the good news is that its is really a simple formula. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Yes we will age and things will inevitably break down over time, but we can put our foot squarely on the brake with our lifestyle choices.

We are human.

Its a double edged sword.

But the choice is yours.

Will you beckon the call to the discomfort that you are feeling so that you can be more healthy?

You’ve got this!

Life is Good!

P.S. If you would like some help on your health and fitness journey we can help! Please learn more here:

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