Being Uncomfortable With Your Current State of Health & Fitness Is The Best Thing For You…

When we feel physical discomfort, most of us try to get rid of the pain. Very few of us are listening to the deeper meaning that our body is trying to send us.
Is There a Spiritual Side of Fitness?

Is there really a spiritual side of fitness? Can we really compartmentalize our lives into different boxes such as finances, health, spirituality etc.?
Why You Must SLOW Down to Speed Up Your Health & Fitness

If you are looking to make improvements to your health & fitness is it better to go “all in” and “crush it!” OR is there wisdom in slowing down and taking it one small step at a time?
4 Ways to “Supercharge” Your Metabolism
In this article you will learn 4 simple lifestyle practices that will ensure a healthy metabolism.
3 Question’s You Must Answer YES To If You Want To Get In Shape And STAY There…

In this post you will learn 3 very powerful questions to ask yourself if you want to get and STAY in shape for a lifetime.
How Sleep Deprivation Blocks Weight Loss…

Okay confession time. How many times have you been guility of thinking that weight loss is simply a matter of “calories in vs. calories out”? It is an easy trap to fall into but in truth is FAR from the truth and far from the big picture and it is a very rudimentary way of […]
There Are Only FOUR Reason’s Why You Struggle To Stay Healthy & Fit…

In this post we talk about the TRUE reason your health and fitness might be struggling.
5 Forgotten Weight Loss Practices

If you are still operating from a “calories in vs. calories out” model of weight loss you may be setting yourself up for failure and health loss. In this post I give you 5 lifestyle practices that will not only help with with loss but add significantly to your overall health and fitness.
99% of Fitness Is MENTAL!

Is knowledge is power they why do so many people struggle with heath and fitness despite an overwhelming amount of free info on the web?
Why Nutrition Determines 70% Of Your Fitness

Most of us think about working out when it comes to building muscle or getting fit. In reality the workout is only secondary to what you are feeding yourself everyday…