A Few Simple & Affordable Tests For Your Overall Health & Fitness
If you want a good overall snap shot of your health and fitness without breaking the bank, this article will give you a few simple & easy tests to perform at home or at a clinic.
Without These 3 Lifestyle Traits Your Health & Fitness Is Doomed To Failure…
If you want to optimize your health and fitness start with these 3 essential lifestyle traits.
A Simple Trick To Destroy Your Treat Temptation
In this 4 minute video I will discuss a simple tip that many people overlook when trying to clean up their diet, avoid sugar and other junk foods.
This “FADDISH” Trend Can Make or Break Your Health…
Today I want to share an insight with you about our modernized society. My insight comes from many years of Nutrition and Life Coaching. I am not going to tell you my insight yet…ha, ha, you will have to watch the 5 minute video below for that, but I will tell you that I am […]
Habitology…Freeing Yourself From the Chains of Bad Habits
OK…this is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to habit change. This step is where most people START and is consequently the reason that most people fail. SO….. Be sure you go back and review steps #1 & 2 if you have not already done so. They are right there on my […]
Trusting Yourself
Hello, my friends! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend filled with great fun! Today, I want to briefly talk about something that can be a little sensitive. Before I do, please know that I don’t wish to hurt feelings or come across as judgmental. My purpose in today’s post is to show you […]
Red Meat & Cancer: From The Meat OR In The Meat?
Hello, my friends! Most of you have undoubtedly heard of the recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) that strongly links meat to cancer. According to WHO, processed meat can lead to several types of cancer, including stomach and colon cancers. WHO also claimed that, in addition to processed meat, it was “probable” that […]
Less Pain MORE Gain!
Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I became well acquainted with the popular phrase, “No Pain, No Gain!” Songs were written about it, tank tops displayed it, and corporate executives used it to motivate their team. While I believe this motto is extremely useful, I also believe in the principles that Stephen R. Covey […]
Skeletons Are Skinny, Too! –Why Exercising Does NOT Make You Healthy!
Hello, my friends! It’s Griff Neilson, and today I want to discuss a topic that is rather disturbing to me. As a Health Coach, my clients often tell me that “I am healthy because I am skinny,” or that someone else is healthy “because they are skinny.” Additionally, I cannot tell you how many times […]
The Greatness Of The “Middle-Class You”
The Greatness Of The “Middle-Class You” Hello, my friends! I hope you are well and loving life. I had an interesting experience this morning that I would like to share with you. Today, one my clients and good friend was feeling down. She had recently undergone a heart procedure, so her mood was completely understandable. […]