The Power of YES!
The Power of YES! There are many statistics stating how often a young child hears the word “no” before the age of 12. Certainly there is a time and a place for “NO,” especially as a kid. But what about when we grow, mature, and advance into adulthood? Do these negative statistics change? Sadly, they […]
Picture In . . . Body Out! How Your Self Concept Creates or Destroys Your Health
Picture In . . . Body Out! How Your Self Concept Creates or Destroys Your Health Hello, my friends! I had an interesting experience with an anorexic client today. As I sat down with her, I could tell that she was slightly annoyed that her mother (a very caring and sweet lady) had brought her […]
De-Victimizing Your Health!
De-Victimizing Your Health! Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well and learning from every moment of it! Today, I want to share one of my recent observations: Self-victimization. Self-victimization is our national pastime, and we have all indulged in it to one extent or another. We all know of somebody who is […]
Resultify Your Routine!
Resultify Your Routine! Using the Power of Routine to Change Your Life Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well. Have you ever found yourself living your life on auto-pilot even when you don’t want to? Have you ever stepped back from your life and looked at the results of your choices? Regardless […]
Ego Fit – Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part II
Ego Fit Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part II Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well! In the first part of this blog, I spoke about the difference between muscle, strength, and even “fitness” versus true health. Today, I want to take it one step further. When I […]
Is Cardio King?
We have all heard the phrase, “have you done your cardio today?” This is a common term used in health clubs and by those seeking to lose weight or maintain their cardiovascular fitness levels. Cardiovascular exercise seems to curtail confusion to a greater extent than does resistance training. This is mainly because people enjoy the […]
Cardio Tips!
Ahh Cardio! Seems to be the first weapon we grab for when weight loss is our target…right? Well today I want to give you some tips and pointers that will give you the most bang for your buck. You might even view cardiovascular exercise a little bit differently after reading the article. Hope you enjoy […]
Cardio Vs Weights: Finding the true balance to fat-burning success
Every day I hear quotes such as the following: “I want to lose fat, so I will start doing cardio for the first six months and then I will start the weights AFTER I lose the fat”, or my all time favorite, “I just do cardio to keep the fat off”. The problem with these […]
Basic Exercise Guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine
These are basic exercise guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine that are designed to give the fitness enthusiast a general framework to work under.
Making the MOST of Your Workout: A Primer guide to working out Smart and Effectively: Part 1
“Three sets of ten are all you need to do son!” More is better. Go hard or go home! No pain no gain! We have all heard these age old clichés, but the problem is deciphering which ones are true and which ones are completely false. Today I want to give you a primer on […]