Less Pain MORE Gain!

Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I became well acquainted with the popular phrase, “No Pain, No Gain!” Songs were written about it, tank tops displayed it, and corporate executives used it to motivate their team. While I believe this motto is extremely useful, I also believe in the principles that Stephen R. Covey […]

The Greatness Of The “Middle-Class You”

The Greatness Of The “Middle-Class You” Hello, my friends! I hope you are well and loving life. I had an interesting experience this morning that I would like to share with you. Today, one my clients and good friend was feeling down. She had recently undergone a heart procedure, so her mood was completely understandable. […]

The Power of YES!

The Power of YES! There are many statistics stating how often a young child hears the word “no” before the age of 12. Certainly there is a time and a place for “NO,” especially as a kid. But what about when we grow, mature, and advance into adulthood? Do these negative statistics change? Sadly, they […]

De-Victimizing Your Health!

De-Victimizing Your Health! Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well and learning from every moment of it! Today, I want to share one of my recent observations: Self-victimization. Self-victimization is our national pastime, and we have all indulged in it to one extent or another. We all know of somebody who is […]

Resultify Your Routine!

Resultify Your Routine! Using the Power of Routine to Change Your Life Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well. Have you ever found yourself living your life on auto-pilot even when you don’t want to? Have you ever stepped back from your life and looked at the results of your choices? Regardless […]

Happiness: The Unconventional CHOICE of a Champion Mindset!

Happiness The Unconventional CHOICE of a Champion Mindset! Hello, my friends!   I hope you are treating life well. I just finished reading a very good booked titled The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, and may I say . . . I LOVED it! It was awesome to read a book about happiness and the ways […]

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– 2 FREE Personal Training Sessions with an actual fitness expert, not a big-box gym trainer
– Trainer / Client Compatibility Assessment
– Temp 24 / 7 Access to the private gym conveniently located in Kaysville
– Free workout on 1 or both sessions
– Optional nutrition session (if not used for another workout on the second session)
– Learn a new path to your goals
– Mini Teaching Session: The 5 Power Pillar Coaching System
– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

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