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There Are NO Shortcuts For True Health & Fitness.

We live in a world that is rife with “quick-fixes”, “hacks” and “fast track solutions”. In our westernized culture, we have come to demand them, and when they are not available we feel put out, discouraged or frustrated. Back in 2022, I remember thinking to myself, “I have not seen a gimmicky weight loss solution […]

Is There a Spiritual Side of Fitness?

Is there really a spiritual side of fitness? Can we really compartmentalize our lives into different boxes such as finances, health, spirituality etc.?

This Is Why Pain IS Pleasureable…

We human beings are funny creatures. We are incredibly complex and yet we are so simple. At a basic level we are designed by Mother Nature to engage two very fundamental practices: Practice #1: Avoid PAIN! Practice #2: Seek pleasure Notice the hierarchy here. We first seek to avoid pain rather than to seek pleasure. […]

Love Yourself…You Filthy Animal! ;)

Have you ever considered that you are an animal that has lost it’s way? In this post we explore living like an animal again through the methodology of self-care.

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Want to experience the Lifelong Fitness Difference? Right now you can get a free temporary membership!

– 2 FREE Personal Training Sessions with an actual fitness expert, not a big-box gym trainer
– Trainer / Client Compatibility Assessment
– Temp 24 / 7 Access to the private gym conveniently located in Kaysville
– Free workout on 1 or both sessions
– Optional nutrition session (if not used for another workout on the second session)
– Learn a new path to your goals
– Mini Teaching Session: The 5 Power Pillar Coaching System
– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

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