There Are NO Shortcuts For True Health & Fitness.
We live in a world that is rife with “quick-fixes”, “hacks” and “fast track solutions”. In our westernized culture, we have come to demand them, and when they are not available we feel put out, discouraged or frustrated. Back in 2022, I remember thinking to myself, “I have not seen a gimmicky weight loss solution […]
New Years PRIORITIES Beat The Crap Out Of Resolutions…
Its time to call out the resolutions once and for all. Your chances of succeeding all come down to your PRIORITIES!
This Is Why Pain IS Pleasureable…
We human beings are funny creatures. We are incredibly complex and yet we are so simple. At a basic level we are designed by Mother Nature to engage two very fundamental practices: Practice #1: Avoid PAIN! Practice #2: Seek pleasure Notice the hierarchy here. We first seek to avoid pain rather than to seek pleasure. […]
Why Perfection Spells Disaster For Your Health & Fitness
Perfectionism usually has a negative connotation to it, but in reality our culture embraces it. Learn how it can destroy your health if you don’t deal with it.
What Is STOPPING You From Being In The Best Shape Of Your Life?
One of the major themes of my coaching over my 20+ year career is the starting point with my clients. The starting point is the place in time where the client steps into my office with inspiration coming out of their eyes and ears. They are brimming with a high desire to change their habits. […]
Why You Must SLOW Down to Speed Up Your Health & Fitness
If you are looking to make improvements to your health & fitness is it better to go “all in” and “crush it!” OR is there wisdom in slowing down and taking it one small step at a time?
Do You Posses The “3 P’s” That Guarantee Long-Term Fitness?
Oftentimes we want a “quick fix” but we know intuitively that it does not exist. Today I will share a no-nonsense formula that will help you
3 Question’s You Must Answer YES To If You Want To Get In Shape And STAY There…
In this post you will learn 3 very powerful questions to ask yourself if you want to get and STAY in shape for a lifetime.
Should You Focus On Your Weaknesses?
I am sure you have heard, “play to your strengths and don’t worry so much about your weaknesses.”
I am here to challenge this today and give you a simple strategy to improve your area’s of weakness.
A Simple Trick To Destroy Your Treat Temptation
In this 4 minute video I will discuss a simple tip that many people overlook when trying to clean up their diet, avoid sugar and other junk foods.