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Some of the following is taken from “The New Glucose Revolution The Authoritative  Guide to the Glycemic Index pg XVI.

Myth #1:  Starchy foods are fattening and should be avoided.  Foods like bread and pasta are always cited.

Reality:  Most starchy foods are bulky and nutritious.  This means that they fill you up and keep you satisfied.  Did you know that the term “starch” only means stored carbohydrate?  Just like we store carbohydrate in our muscles for energy, so do veggies!  Just be sure that you check the glycemic index of the food that you are selecting and pay particular attention to your serving size.

Myth #2: Sugar causes diabetes.

Reality:  Today, an absolute agreement exists among reasearchers specializing in diabetes that sugar in food does not cause diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes (formerly known as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes) is an autoimmune condition triggered by unknown environmental factors.  Type 2 diabetes is largely inherited, BUT lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise or being overweight increase the risk of developing it.  Foods that are high on the glycemic index may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, but sugar has a more moderate effect than may starches, especially refined and highly processed ones.

Myth#3: All starches are slowly digested in the intestine.

Reality:  Nope!  Most starch, especially that in refined-grain products, is digested very quickly causing a faster and more severe increase in blood glucose.  Again, be sure that you are picky at to what types of starches you are consuming.  Low glycemic starches such as a sweet potato is much more nutritious than a plain white baking potato.  The more natural the starch is (i.e. not processed or refined) the lower it will be on the index.

Myth#4: Hunger pangs are inevitable if you want to lose weight.

Reality:  High carbohydrate foods, especially those with a low GI such as rolled oats, or whole grain pasta, can keep you feeling full, often until you’re ready to eat your next meal.

Myth #5:  Foods high in fat are more filling.

Reality:  Studies show that high-fat foods are among the least filling.  That’s why it is so easy to passively overcome high-fat foods like steak or potato chips.

Myth #6:  Diets high in sugar are less nutritious.

Reality:  Studies have shown that diets high in sugar (from GOOD sources such as fruits, and dairy products) often have higher levels of micro-nutrients, including calcium riboflavin, and vitamin C, than low-sugar diets.  Just remember GOOD sources, not refined sources such as pastries.

Myth #7:  Sugar goes hand in hand with dietary fat.

Reality:  Yes, many foods high in fat are also high is sugar-think chocolate, full-fat ice cream, cakes, cookies, and pastries.  But most high-sugar diets are actually low in fat, and vise versa.  The reason:  most sources of fat in our diet are not sweetened (e.g. potato chips, French fries, steak.

So there you have it my Lifelong Fitness friends!  Remember this is all found in lifestyle change…this is not just a simple diet.   Good Luck!

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