Do any of you ever get frustrated with counting calories?  Does it seem like no matter how hard you try you seem to fail time after time?  Maybe you just don’t make the progress that you would like to!  Well I have both good and bad news…you are still going to have to track your calories (at least for now until you get more intuitive about it).  The good news is that the following video will give you a step-by-step method of counting calories the right way.

Let me just say one thing…if you are saying to yourself “Well Griff, I am so sick of counting calories…GET OVER IT!  It is a proven method to help you find where your weight loss range is for you.  Please do not be lazy and look for the easy way out, because I have news for you…there isn’t ONE!  So  be a good little boy/girl and count your freaking calories just for a while! 🙂  I promise that it will be worth every minute of your time and with the information that you are about to learn I assure you that you will be doing it the right way!

Click this link:’

Let me know if you have any questions and remember LIFE IS GOOD MY FRIENDS!


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