The Greatness Of The “Middle-Class You”

Hello, my friends! I hope you are well and loving life. I had an interesting experience this morning that I would like to share with you. Today, one my clients and good friend was feeling down. She had recently undergone a heart procedure, so her mood was completely understandable. But her experience prompted me to question who we REALLY are. Today I want to veer off of my usual “health and fitness” script, and go to a place that I rarely go.

If I were to ask you the question, “who are you,” I can almost guarantee that your mind would start to come up with labels. You will begin to label yourself according to what you do, where you live, how much money you make, your type of parenting skills (or lack thereof), and so forth! In reality, we turn life into a collage of labels, and if we live up to those labels, then we are “happy.” In contrast, if we don’t live up to those personal expectations and labels, we get a new label: That of a “failure.”

I have often thought of myself as just an average guy, who lives in a middle-class neighborhood, you know, the average Joe. You may have experienced something similar. I often observe people who are convinced that they are average, too. It is easy to fall into this line of thinking. But I’m convinced that at our very core, at the level of our essence, we are all great. It does not matter if we are a celebrity, powerful, or an “average Joe”– our true greatness exceeds anything that you can comprehend.

You may be saying, “How can you, Griff Neilson, be so sure? You’re just the average health guy!” The only way that I can possibly answer this is by saying that I can sense it, feel it, and KNOW it deep within. I know that on the surface this may seem esoteric, but at a deeper level (a spiritual level), I can promise that you feel the same way and have sensed it throughout your life.

You, my friend, are here for a reason, and you have a calling in this life. My calling is to help as many people as possible learn about the joy and abundance of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. My calling is to treat everybody with whom I come into contact with a deep and abiding reverence and respect because I know that they are great. My calling is to help them sense that. My question to you is this: What is your calling in life? I know that you MUST have one or else you would not walk this planet. Those who know their calling in life and live it will find true happiness and fulfillment. Those that roll their eyes and say, “that’s way too deep for me” will also live subpar to their true potential.

You will find your life’s calling by reflecting on what you are passionate about, what stirs your soul, and what lights you up when you think about it. It could be parenting, it could be being a CEO or a business owner, or it could be serving as a volunteer. I would ask you to be honest with yourself and to listen to your soul, because your soul cannot and will not lie!

Lastly, if you are having a hard time understanding or believing this, let me ask you one simple question. Where did you come from? Who created you? Regardless of your religious or your spiritual training, I can bet that you would agree that you come from a source of unconditional love and a source of unlimited power. Are you not a piece of that? If you came from greatness, then it stands to reason that you ARE great. It stands to reason that you can accomplish anything that your heart dictates. Why? Because it comes from that source too! My simple advice is to stop falling for the conditioned beliefs in your mind and start living from a space of unlimited thinking and action. That, my friend, is your birthright. Life is good!



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