
The Unconventional CHOICE of a Champion Mindset!

Hello, my friends!   I hope you are treating life well. I just finished reading a very good booked titled The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, and may I say . . . I LOVED it! It was awesome to read a book about happiness and the ways that happiness leads to success in ALL areas of life, including professional, spiritual, emotional, relationships, and more.

As a society, we are constantly annoyed, victimized, betrayed, used, and flat out pissed off more than we should be.  We lead stressful lives, and we feel like we are always in a time crunch. We live with the mentality that “I will be happy when I succeed,” which is 100% backwards. In contrast, you will succeed when you first become happy!

One of the best formulas that I have used to stay happy amidst adversity and struggle is this:

Step #1-Stay active!

Every study under the sun shows that exercise fights depression and presses your “happy button.” I am not saying that you will be beaming with joy while in mid-flight of a burpee, but I am saying that consistent exercise is proven to help you increase your happiness in life through multiple venues. So, when you feel yourself slumping into negativity, get up, and move around! Take a walk around the block or start doing jumping jacks; I don’t care . . . just MOVE! This has the profound effect of stimulating your inner physiology, which, in turn, directly affects your psychology.

Step #2-Hire a mental gatekeeper!

We are all going to have bad days full of negative thoughts. As humans, we cannot escape that reality. What we DO have control over is our awareness. For example, when is the last time that you were in the middle of thinking negatively, and you stopped and said, “Wow, I am thinking negative thoughts. I think I will now change them to more positive thoughts?” If you are like most people, the answer is NEVER!

The good news is this: If you simply become aware of your negative thoughts, moods, and actions, you have already done the lion’s share of the work. In essence, I am asking you to hire a “mental gate-keeper” that not only consciously recognizes negative thoughts but also throws them out! You DO have this ability! I assure you.

Now, let’s say that you have a legitimate negative thought or situation that needs your attention. This needs to be respected, but it also needs to be kept in the context of step #3.

Step #3-Ask yourself the “QUESTION”

By far, one of the most profound tools that we have at our disposal is the ability to ask this simple yet life-changing question: “What can I learn from this ‘bad’ situation, person, event, or circumstance?” If you are honest with yourself, there is always something that you can learn! I recently made a very bad business decision in which I hired a new trainer because I was in a bind. I was not thorough in my evaluation, and I suffered the consequences of lost clients and possibly some negative PR. So what could I possibly learn from this negative scenario?

I learned that I must be thorough in my search for qualified candidates. I learned to “trust my gut” more. I learned that a good resume does NOT always equal a good candidate. With those lessons I mind, I then hired a dynamite trainer and have a perspective that will help me grow my business to new levels. What a blessing.

Remember this simple “Happiness Formula,” my friends! It is not my formula; it is simply a formula that is principle-based and a formula that works time after time. I hope you enjoy your journey. And remember to smile along the way because happiness is not only a choice, it is your birthright!

Life is good!


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