First off THANK YOU all for commenting on your biggest exercise barrier. Every time I ask that question I am amazed at the common pattern that I see.

Please don’t take what I am about to say as a judgement. It is simply an observation that I make.

MOST of the obstacles that stand in our way are mental and emotional in nature. They are not physical. When we think a certain way over time those thoughts become our “truth” that cannot be challenged…or at least that is what we believe.

“Its just the way that it is”

This becomes our mantra and we begin to believe it.

I understand that there ARE legitimate physical reasons that keep us from exercising but they are very far and few between.

99% of our obstacles lie between our ears.

It is the stories that we tell ourselves that stand in our way.

“I don’t have time”
“I hate exercise”
“I am too old”
“I look stupid at the gym”

These are nothing more than false realities that we have created in our own mind.

Like it or hate it….the TRUTH remains.

Don’t believe me?

What if I put a gun to your head and told you that you have no choice but to exercise.

Would you ever miss a day?


Case closed.

We create our own mental barriers and through our own AWARENESS we can overcome them.

In a future post I will give you my “Triple-A-Solution” that can help you overcome your self-imposed mental obstacles.

Okay…whew…that was a tough love session..

But don’t forget…I still love ya! We are all on our own journey. I have gone through and continue to deal with my own mental BS ðŸ˜‰

Please leave COMMENT on how you can become AWARE of your mental obstacles.

Life is Good!

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