I cannot tell you how many times I have heard phrases such as “I really need to get in shape for the summer”, or, “I need to get in shape for my wedding”, or, “I have a trip to Hawaii in 6 months and I need to get in shape for”.
Now don’t get me wrong. These are all worthy goals and they all have their place.
But if you really think about it isn’t it funny how we treat our health and fitness?
On a subconscious level it becomes the proverbial “step child” that does not get a lot of love and gets little to no attention unless its absolutely necessary.
To put this into context I want you to think about your 401K or any other retirement account that you have invested in for years.
How many times have you said, “well I am just going to spend 75% of my retirement account on a brand new sports car that I have really wanted since I was a teenager and I will worry about how to replenish it later”.
Have you ever done something so crazy!
Because your retirement account is a LIFELONG commitment that you have made with yourself and you have set boundaries as to when that money is to be used.
Isn’t it ironic that we commit to “life” when getting married, setting up a retirement account, committing to a career, a religion or spiritual belief and so many other things?
But when it comes to our health and fitness we ironically tend to bump it down the totem pole and we “get around to it” when it is convenient for us, typically when a big event is coming up in our lives that we want to look good for.
But this kind of thinking only leads us onto the dreaded health and fitness roller coaster that inevitably makes us feel guilty, frustrated and always looking for the next new shiny object or quick fix for our fitness.
Deep down we know that this roller coaster commitment will never work. We know that “seasonal motivation” will ultimately lead to long-term frustration which promotes cycles of weight gain/loss, ups, downs, and mental and physiological tolls that wreck havoc on your mind and body.
As un-sexy as it it the only answer for long term health and fitness is A LIFELONG COMMITMENT! In other words when you commit to getting healthy and getting fit, you are committing for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
So are you up to that kind of lifestyle change? Are you ready to shed the “expiration dates” and the temporary “dieting” mindset?
Are you ready to make health and fitness a PERMANENT fixture in your life?
Are you ready to ENJOY THE BENEFITS of being healthy and fit?
If so it all comes down to seeing yourself and healthy and fit for the rest of your life.
Without this mindset I will promise you continued frustration and pain. With this mindset I can promise you a lifestyle of health and fitness that will continue to pay off day after day, year after year and decade after decade.
I hope you choose the latter….
Life is Good!
P.S. If you would like help in your health and fitness journey we can help! Here at Lifelong Fitness Personal Training Gym we are offering you 2 Free Personal Training sessions if you mention this blog article. There is NO pressure to continue beyond those sessions. Simply email me at [email protected] and let me know your are interested. 🙂