Volume 1: Beverages

Unit 1: Caramel Coloring: A.K.A. E150d


Hello there, my friends!  I hope you are treating life well by staying away from a little substance likely found in your favorite soda pop, such as Coke or Pepsi.  This compound is called Caramel Coloring, E150d.  This is, indeed, a controversial ingredient that has both sides adamant about it either being safe or dangerous.  Here is what I have investigated so far:

The technical name for the ingredient is called 4-methylimidazole or 4-MI.  Four methy decardio, arrythimia WHAT!!!!????  EXACTLY!  The funny thing about this ingredient and many more like it is that the only thing that you read on the can is, “Caramel Coloring!”  Sounds harmless right?  Who after all does not like a little caramel coloring in their drink?  This is where I go crazy. Why can’t the cola companies come out and tell you the right ingredients?  Why must they use euphemisms that sound like fuzzy little teddy bears to describe dangerous ingredients.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has publicly decried the carcinogenic (cancer causing) nature of this chemical concoction.  The CSPI has recently petitioned the FDA to ban the substance, and it also wanted the cosmetic additive renamed “chemically modified caramel coloring” or “ammonia-sulfite processed caramel coloring.”  It has also sponsored and commissioned tests that have linked the ingredient to cancer in lab rats.

On the other side of the fence, you have the cola companies stating that it is well under the “cancer causing benchmark.”  With little surprise, the FDA continues to back the cola companies.  Isn’t weird how the FDA backs corporations that pump millions of dollars into the economy. Again, follow the money.

I am NOT a guy against big business because I know that they are necessary to keep the economy rolling, but I am completely against turning a blind eye to what could potentially be a threat to our health and well-being.  I am also not an FDA hater!  I think it is filled with brilliant people that truly have our best interests at heart.  That said, I am convinced that the FDA has and does get swayed by the pull of multi-billion dollar corporations. It seems to me that it would be a good idea for the FDA to actually fund one of these studies to find out if the claims made are true or not.  Better yet, they should get an unbiased watchdog organization to sponsor a study in like fashion to yield unbiased results.

So, who is right?  The answer will depend on how you view your health.  If you trust without question the statements and stances of the FDA, then you have “nothing” to worry about.  If you are addicted to soda, then it is equally easy for you to turn a blind eye to some of the compelling evidence that shows that this substance is potentially harmful.

If, on the other hand, you have a hard time believing that the human body was designed to eliminate large amounts of 4-methylimidazole, then it might behoove you to stay away from it or at least modify your consumption.  In my opinion, the only way to really come out on top with your health is to give your body foods and beverages that are natural and NOT made in a chemical lab by chemists working for a cola company.  I hope you get my drift.  Go and do you own research and come up with your own conclusions because my two cents have been well spent!  Life is good, my friends!

God Bless,


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