Lately I have been pondering life.

Yes it is true, I find myself there often.

Sometimes I find myself in my “victim”, saying things like, “why does life have to be so hard and why do we human beings make it so hard on ourselves!?”

Yes, I get upset more often than I probably should.

But, then I realize a subtle truth that helps to keep things in perspective for me.

That truth is this…

Life is NOT meant to be easy. I know that sounds trite, but it is 100% true. Life is meant for growth and expansion and if life was meant to be easy it would be the ultimate contradiction to our collective human experience.

This perspective helps me when I get down on myself, or on life in general, because it helps me manage my own expectations about what life “should be”.

During my life, I have found myself in heavy patches of judgement against myself and others.

When I look back at those times of judgement I ask myself why? Why would I make myself and others so miserable?

Upon deep introspection I have come so realize that it ultimately comes down to my own inner resistance when life does not “go my way”.

Much of eastern philosophy is rooted in “being in the present moment”, which asks us to be present with what IS.

The state of “ISNESS” could be blissful, or it could be miserable, but the key is to BE with the present moment and except it regardless.

Definitely easier said than done.

In my own life I have been given ample opportunities to do just that. Sometimes I pull it off and and appreciate life as it is, and at others I kick and scream like a little boy.

Life is a journey and it is unique to each of us, but yet we ALL share the same universal truth that we will be asked to endure hard things.

The same goes for your health and fitness. Getting into the best shape of your life is NOT easy and it was never meant to be easy. Yet it carries with it a reward for the willingness to be present during the hard times.

My personal goal is to continue to challenge myself to be present with life regardless whether it is “going my way” or not. Life is life and it is meant to be lived.

Thank you for hearing me out today. I send you much love on your personal journey and would love to hear about it and help if I can.

Be well and remember….

Life is Good! (Even though it can be hard too;)

PS: If you would like help on your health and fitness journey we can help!

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