Have you ever noticed how animals take care of themselves?
They lick their wounds, they hunt for their own food, and they take care of their young. They sleep when they want to and they also play with one another.
Without even knowing it, they love themselves and they express it through self-care.
And the best part?
They are literally programmed to love themselves through the medium of self care. It is not “work” for them, it is simply a state of being that comes naturally to them.
Now Enter The Humanoid…
What we humans tragically forget, or worse, forcefully deny, is that we too are animals. We forget that we lived as animals for millions of years, hunting and gathering our food and living as tribes with a deep sense of community. We innately loved ourselves with self care in the form of feeding ourselves and others, laughing and having a good time with our family and communities. We naturally put ourselves first and thereby ensured our health, which then allowed us to stay strong and healthy so that we could enjoy and serve the people in our tribe.
Fast forward to the present day where we experience the non-blissful reality of the “21st Century Lifestyle” on a daily basis.
Without being fully conscious of it, we hustle each and every day to achieve our never ending “to-do” list, all the while forgetting to take care of ourselves when we run out of minutes in the day and force ourselves to hit the pillow fully exhausted.
Remembering Our Roots…
We suffer from modern day amnesia. We think that being busy is a badge of honor that needs to be worn.
But what if it’s not?
What if we have this all wrong?
What if we actually take the time to put ourself first for a change? Is that selfish? Does that make you uncomfortable to even suggest putting yourself first? Are you a bad person for having such thoughts?
As a species, our biology is literally hardwired to put our own self-care needs first. We are designed to love ourselves and to take care of ourselves. We are NOT designed to put everybody else first and neglect our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.
The Irony of Our Biology…
Here is the payoff for taking the TIME to put yourself first.
When you do so, you will automatically increase your service to the most important people in your life because you will be filled with more energy, vibrancy, and zest for life.
I know it may seem selfish or counterintuitive, but it only feels that way because we have fallen for the false truth of the “busyness paradigm”.
It’s time to reclaim your birthright and put your self-care needs FIRST. Yes my friend, it is time to once again truly LOVE yourself.
It’s okay…I promise 😉
Life is Good!
P.S. If you would like help in putting yourself first we can help! Learn more about us here and if you like what you see you can book a free consultation today! http://www.llfit.com