I want to give you a challenge.

Type “best diet” into Google and see what comes up.

What you will see is an endless sea of contradictory information. This “expert” vs. that expert. This diet vs. that diet. This macro vs. that macro.

The average person would walk away from that experience and wonder, “what diet approach is best for me. I am so confused!”

And confused they should be! Think about it…for the first time in human history we have thrown nutrition into the free enterprise mess of corporate competition with countless people and corporations claiming that their diet, macro, supplement, and “secret fat burning proprietary blend” is indeed the holy grail.

Was Nutrition Meant To Be Confusing?

Picture this.

Our ancestors out on the Savanna 1 million years ago hunting big game and gathering so that they could eat dinner as a family that night. Were they confused about what to eat? Did they consult their doctor, dietician, trainer, or nutrition expert?

Of course not! They instinctively knew what to eat and sometimes they learned through trial and error.

The fact of the matter is that we need to get back to the basics, and to that end I have decided for the first time to share a few of our video’s from our Lifelong Fitness, “Nutrition is Life” training series.

Where Should I Start With My Nutrition If I am Starting From Scratch?

In the following video I talk about where you should start if you are just beginning to eat more healthy. I truly hope this helps to clear up any confusion that you have.

If you would like help with a customized approach towards your nutrition we can help! Hit us up for a free no-pressure consultation here: https://www.llfit.com/consultations/

Life is Good!

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