One of the top reasons that clients fail to make a permanent lifestyle change is that they fail to prepare or thing about nutrition. What do I mean by that? Well, think for a moment about your fast paced lilfestyle. You barely have enough time to eat a protein bar as it is! The key here is to re-prioritize and make a DAILY habit of preparing your meals. If you can accomplish this simple task it will drastically reduce impulse food buys such as fast foods, highly processed (convienant) foods, and other fast but unhealthy foods that seem to invade our lives.
Pre-Preparation Nutrition
Step #1: Get to the grocery store!
You can’t prepare a darn thing without first having the right foods in place. In this book you are going to find multiple recipes and meal plans that call for healthy foods so get started by getting to the store!
Steps #2: Plan a daily time for food preparation.
This means taking at least 10 minutes and allotting it towards making your meals for the next day.
Step #3: Taylor your approach to your situation.
If you are a business man or woman your needs will vary drastically from that of a stay-at-home mom. If you are the later you will more likely have the option of preparing more complete mini-meals such as a pasta and chicken dish. If you are the former you will be lucky to get in a protein drink and some whole grain crackers…but in either case you need to be prepared. These mini meals need not be big or time consuming…actually they should be quite the opposite. Balanced, small and quick should be your motto if you are in a hurry. If not take some more time to make a balanced mini meal that you can sit down and enjoy. Remember you are never too busy to fuel the machine that is allowing you to work in the first place.
Step #4: Schedule your Eating Schedule!
This is where you actually sit down and write out the times you are going to eat. Yes I am serious. Take out your planner, I-Phone, or whatever and schedule in the times that you plan on eating. Remember that you should be eating every two to three hours. This little activity is very vital from the onset of your program because it will teach you to eat frequently. Frequent eating is crucial to a high performing metabolism.
Next week I will go over the actual steps that you should take in preparing a meal. Please stay tuned and remember that life is good!