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Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part I

Ego Fit Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part I Hello there, my friends!  Today, I want discuss one of my latest observations.  To set the stage, I would like to give you a little background about myself.  I have been in the health and fitness industry for the last 15 years […]

Pumpkin Pie Frozen Yogurt

Pumpkin Pie Frozen Yogurt 1 container fat free Greek yogurt 1/3 cup pumpkin purée 20 drops vanilla liquid stevia or 1 packet stevia 1tsp pumpkin pie spice Mix it all up, freeze it for 30-60minutes, top with 1tbsp chopped pecans  

Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire: BHA

Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire Benzoate Preservatives: BHA Fuzzy Little Health Food or Colossal Carcinogen? Hello, my friends!  I hope you are treating life well!  In this addition of the Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire, you will learn more about a chemical that is likely in your diet if you are eating processed and packaged foods: Butylated hydroxyanisole, or […]

Benzoate Preservatives: BHT

Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire Benzoate Preservatives: BHT Fuzzy Little Health Food or Colossal Carcinogen? Hello, my friends!  I hope you are treating life well!  In this addition of the Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire, we will discuss a nearly ubiquitous ingredient in packaged foods: BHT or butylated hydroxytoluene. Foods that typically contain this nasty little chemical are breakfast […]

Lifelong Fitness Famous Protein Bars

Lifelong Fitness Famous Protein Bars 3/4 cup Honey 3/4 cup Natural Peanut Butter or Almond Butter 4 TBS Unsweetened Cocoa 5 scoops All Natural Chocolate Protein Powder 2 cups Old Fashioned Rolled Oats 1-2 TBS water – depending on the consistency you want Optional Ingredients 1/4 cup Flax Seed 1/4 cup Wheat Germ 1/4 cup […]

Enriched, Processed and Bankrupt!

How Processed Foods Destroy Your Health, Part I Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire: Refined Grains Most experts agree that 70% of our typical American diet is processed.  What does “processed” mean? There is a wide spectrum of what constitutes “processed,” but, generally, processed foods are foods that have been altered from their natural state. For example, 100% whole […]

What Does Mountain Dew, Fresca, And PowerAde Have In Common? BVO Ingredient

Dissecting The Ingredient That Has Been Banned In More Than 100 Countries Ingredient Investigator Extraordinaire: Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) What if I were to tell you that I was going give you a Gatorade after your next run?  The only catch is that I would first spike it with an ingredient that has not only […]

Are You A Sucker For Sugar?

5 Ways Sugar Teases Your Taste Buds While Destroying Your Health! Ah, sugar!  That sweet little devil that teases your taste buds, tantalizes your desire for sweetness, and compromises your chances for good health!  While I have long been a passionate advocate for minimizing this “sweet evil” of our day,  I will be the first […]

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– 2 FREE Personal Training Sessions with an actual fitness expert, not a big-box gym trainer
– Trainer / Client Compatibility Assessment
– Temp 24 / 7 Access to the private gym conveniently located in Kaysville
– Free workout on 1 or both sessions
– Optional nutrition session (if not used for another workout on the second session)
– Learn a new path to your goals
– Mini Teaching Session: The 5 Power Pillar Coaching System
– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

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