Is Getting In The Best Shape of Your Life Really Worth the Time & Effort?

When you think of what it will take to get in the best shape of your life does it put a pit in your stomach? So many things to change! In this post we will give you 2 powerful tips to transform your mindset so that you start seeing exercising as pleasurable instead of painful!
How to Power Through Procrastination (Step #2 of 5)

Hello my friends! I really hope that you had a chance to view last weeks short video in which I disclose the first step in powering through procrastination. If not check it out here: Today I take it one step further. Now, I will warn you that you might think you have already […]
If You Are Going Through a Painful Period in Life You Won’t Want To Forget This…

Isn’t life funny? One moment you can be on the top of the world and the next moment you feel like garbage! Even worse? It happens to EVERYONE! I hate to say this but you are no exception. Even the most positive people in the world still have down moments and the occasional “down day”. […]
A Simple Practice That Can Change Your Life…

Oh our brain…aren’t we so glad that we have one? Just think of all of the cool things that it does for us right? It tells us when we are hungry, it helps us solve problems and it even helps us feel really good when we are experiencing a positive emotion. In fact our brain […]
Are You Burning In Nutrition Hell?

Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well! Did you know that over seventy percent of all the food that Americans eat is PROCESSED? What does this mean? Essentially, it means that we take a whole, natural food and we slice it, dice it, strip it, color it, preserve it, “add to it” […]
Ego Fit – Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part II

Ego Fit Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part II Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well! In the first part of this blog, I spoke about the difference between muscle, strength, and even “fitness” versus true health. Today, I want to take it one step further. When I […]
QOTW – Average

Especially during the holidays it is hard to stick to your goals! People constantly pushing you to just skip the gym or eat all the dessert! Remember, that is what the average America does! Keep to your goals and stick to it through the holidays!
Blissfully Ignorant Fitness!

Blissfully Ignorant Fitness Recognizing and Dismissing Self-Sabotaging Stories in Your Mind Hello there, my friends! How the heck are you? I hope you are treating life well. I want to ask you a question, if you don’t mind? Have you ever become super excited to start an exercise program–I mean really excited, motivated, and psyched? […]
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Who Is The Fattest Of Them All? Part III
Engineering Your Own Reflection Hello there, my friend! How are you? I hope you are treating life well, and I hope that it is reciprocating. I hope you have had the chance to read the first two installments of this blog post. If not, then go back and read up! This article will make no […]
Making Excuses May Make You Feel Better for the Moment…

…but the Resultant Failure is Akin to A Mental Hang-Over That Dooms Your Healthy Lifestyle! Many of us make excuses to justify our actions, such as, “it’s my gene’s fault that I am overweight”, or “I am too busy to exercise”. We all have excuses although it is very difficult for us to admit them […]