Planning and Preparing Nutritious Meals

This is a great guide to healthy eating for the New Year. It summarizes all that you will need to know to eat healthy and consistent.
Your Nutrition Could Be Better and You Know It…Nutrition is 80% Of Your Success! Where Do YOU Rank?

This is from the Lifelong Fitness website changes
Exercise is Medicine: Exercise VS. Anti Depressants

I always marvel at human behavior as we tend to selectively become more active during some times of the year to the neglect of others. Summer time and the month of December are two times those come to mind. In the summer time some of us become very active while other tail off completely and […]
Study Shows 1 Obscure Trick to Make ANY Exercise Program or Workout MUCH More Effective

This is an article that points to the power of the brain and how it can aid in exercise adherence.
Father Time: Wanting more, but NEVER finding enough!

Beginning in the 1960’s numerous surveys from the Federal Government have been issued to the general population about exercise. One of the questions that have been asked from that decade forward is regarding why people DO NOT exercise. The #1 reason each and every year from that time forward is time. We just can’t seem […]
Add Muscle … Build Metabolism … Destroy Fat!

This is a post designed to educate the public about the distinct roles that cardiovascular exercise and resistance training exercise has on the human body and how you can use it to help burn body fat.