If You Are Going Through a Painful Period in Life You Won’t Want To Forget This…

Isn’t life funny? One moment you can be on the top of the world and the next moment you feel like garbage! Even worse? It happens to EVERYONE! I hate to say this but you are no exception. Even the most positive people in the world still have down moments and the occasional “down day”. […]
Blissfully Ignorant Fitness!

Blissfully Ignorant Fitness Recognizing and Dismissing Self-Sabotaging Stories in Your Mind Hello there, my friends! How the heck are you? I hope you are treating life well. I want to ask you a question, if you don’t mind? Have you ever become super excited to start an exercise program–I mean really excited, motivated, and psyched? […]
Making Excuses May Make You Feel Better for the Moment…

…but the Resultant Failure is Akin to A Mental Hang-Over That Dooms Your Healthy Lifestyle! Many of us make excuses to justify our actions, such as, “it’s my gene’s fault that I am overweight”, or “I am too busy to exercise”. We all have excuses although it is very difficult for us to admit them […]
Planning and Preparing Nutritious Meals

This is a great guide to healthy eating for the New Year. It summarizes all that you will need to know to eat healthy and consistent.
Your 10- Step Recovery Program in Becoming Excuse Free – Part 1

I have seen a common thread among those who fail at changing their lifestyle. That thread I am referring to is that of excuse making! We all have them and we all know deep down that they hinder our efforts to succeed in every way. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer in his book, Excuses Begone! states […]
Your Nutrition Could Be Better and You Know It…Nutrition is 80% Of Your Success! Where Do YOU Rank?

This is from the Lifelong Fitness website changes
Exercise is Medicine: Exercise VS. Anti Depressants

I always marvel at human behavior as we tend to selectively become more active during some times of the year to the neglect of others. Summer time and the month of December are two times those come to mind. In the summer time some of us become very active while other tail off completely and […]
Excuses & Meme’s…The Great American Way! Part I

If you find yourself making constant excuses as to why you do not exercise or eat healthy, then this blog is for you!
Study Shows 1 Obscure Trick to Make ANY Exercise Program or Workout MUCH More Effective

This is an article that points to the power of the brain and how it can aid in exercise adherence.
Your 10-Step Recovery Program in becoming Excuse Free Part: 2

Last week we went over the first 5 steps in becoming excuse free in your pursuit of Lifestyle Change. This week we continue. If you haven’t read the first installment, I would encourage you to do so as a good preface to what you will read here. Step #6: Remember it is NOT as hard […]