3 Reasons To Take a One Week Break From Training

Once upon a time I was 21 years old and my nose was shoved deeply into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s official Bodybuilding Encyclopedia and I remember being shocked about a point that he was advocating. Essentially he was advocating for taking a week off of training assuming that one had been training extremely hard for at least […]
When Is It Appropriate To Stop Exercising?

Is it right to follow the wisdom of “go heavy or go home” all of the time? In this article we will discuss why this might not be such a good idea after all.
Is Getting In The Best Shape of Your Life Really Worth the Time & Effort?

When you think of what it will take to get in the best shape of your life does it put a pit in your stomach? So many things to change! In this post we will give you 2 powerful tips to transform your mindset so that you start seeing exercising as pleasurable instead of painful!
3 Sure-Fire Ways To Stay Fit During The Summer

Pop Quiz time! What season do most people struggle the most to stay healthy and fit? Is it: A) Winter (including Christmas) B) Spring C) Summer D) Fall I can almost guarantee that you are saying “A” right now because of Christmas, and and to be honest with you, when it comes to totally falling […]
Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part III: Love

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part III: Love Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Love: it’s the universal language, yet its potential is so universally untapped. “I love my wife,” “I love my husband,” “I love my kids,” “and I love my grandkids.” These and many similar phrases are […]
Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part II

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part II: Laughter Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means “That’s not funny!” “Why don’t you grow up?” “This is not a laughing matter!” “When will you ever start to take life more seriously?” Sound familiar? It certainly does to me. In fact, one of […]
Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part I

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part I: Your Liver Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well, and I hope it is reciprocating! I know that I use this line a lot to open my blog posts, but, today, I will […]
I AM Fit Because “I AM!”
Hello, my friends! How the heck are you? I hope you are treating life well. Today, I feel compelled to take a risk, branch out, and write about something that has changed my perspective about myself and what I am truly capable of. In so doing, I hope to change your perspective about yourself and […]
Ego Fit – Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part II

Ego Fit Getting In Shape For All Of The Right Reasons: Part II Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well! In the first part of this blog, I spoke about the difference between muscle, strength, and even “fitness” versus true health. Today, I want to take it one step further. When I […]
QOTW – Average

Especially during the holidays it is hard to stick to your goals! People constantly pushing you to just skip the gym or eat all the dessert! Remember, that is what the average America does! Keep to your goals and stick to it through the holidays!