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  Why wait? The time during your day will pass anyway!  So why not make every minute of your day count?  A year from now will still be a year from now, go make something of yourself so that when that time comes, you can look back and see how far you’ve come!

Your 10- Step Recovery Program in becoming Excuse Free: Part I

In my nearly 10 years of service in the health and fitness industry I have seen a common thread among those who fail at changing their lifestyle.  That thread I am referring to is that of excuse making!  We all have them and we all know deep down that they hinder our efforts to succeed […]

Get Started For Free!

Want to experience the Lifelong Fitness Difference? Right now you can get a free temporary membership!

– 2 FREE Personal Training Sessions with an actual fitness expert, not a big-box gym trainer
– Trainer / Client Compatibility Assessment
– Temp 24 / 7 Access to the private gym conveniently located in Kaysville
– Free workout on 1 or both sessions
– Optional nutrition session (if not used for another workout on the second session)
– Learn a new path to your goals
– Mini Teaching Session: The 5 Power Pillar Coaching System
– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

Fill Out The Form To Get Your Temporary Membership!