This Is WHY You Fall Off The Wagon Despite Your Willpower…

Why is Long-Term Change So HARD? I once coached a senior level executive that I shall call Mike.  At the time Mike needed to lose 50 lbs to get back into a healthy weight range.  As most senior level executives, Mike shouldered a very high workload and rarely had time to catch his breath. Mike […]

Habitology…Freeing Yourself From the Chains of Bad Habits

OK…this is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to habit change. This step is where most people START and is consequently the reason that most people fail. SO….. Be sure you go back and review steps #1 & 2 if you have not already done so. They are right there on my […]

How to Crush Your BAD Habit: Step #2 of 4

Are you ready for the second step in crushing your bad habit? In the first video I revealed the first step in reversing your bad habit…AWARENESS! If you have not watched that video yet do so before watching this one. Please list your 3 top limiting beliefs in the comment section and enjoy the video. […]

4 Steps to Crushing Your Bad HABIT (Step #1)

Hello my friends! Do you have a bad habit that you despise but you still can’t seem to shake it? Do you get discouraged when you give it your best effort to change but yet you still revert back to old habits? Breaking a bad habit can be hard and that is why I am […]

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– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

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