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You Are What You Eat, Think, and FEEL!

Hey there!  How is life treating you today?  This is a common question that I often ask my clients and my audiences.  The response I usually receive goes something like this: “Oh, well, you know . . . just another day in paradise.”  This would ordinarily be a fantastic answer, but the problem is that […]

5 Things Keeping You from Exercising, Eating Healthy, and Losing Weight!

Hey All!  I am psyched that it is the weekend, and I wanted to post a quick blog about 5 reasons you are not exercising, eating healthy, or losing weight.  Please be prepared because each of these reasons is very much different from the other.  Correct these five things in your life, and your exercise […]

10 Sure-Fire Ways to Screw Up Your Health and Fitness (Part I)

Today I have had a sucky day because I rear ended somebody this morning (yes, it happens to the best of us), and when I have a sucky day, I get very bold in my writing.  So, today I would like to share some of my thoughts with you in a rather direct way.  My hope in […]

Damming Beliefs = Damming RESULTS!

Hey all! How many of you “KNOW” what you should be doing in terms of your health and fitness?  Hands Please!  Now…how many of you are not yet THERE?  WHY????  Watch my video and I think it will yeild you some important insights that will prove helpful to you!  BTW I intentionally spelled damming wrong…think about it […]

Fitness…Goals, and Vision…Your Lethal Combination!

As a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach, I have engaged in many a conversation with people about fitness and nutrition goals.  As I engage in these conversations I am always blown away by the lack of clarity and vision that people have in regards to their health and fitness goals.  The conversation usually goes as […]

Exercise is Medicine: Exercise VS. Anti Depressants

I always marvel at human behavior as we tend to selectively become more active during some times of the year to the neglect of others.  Summer time and the month of December are two times those come to mind.  In the summer time some of us become very active while other tail off completely and […]

A Nearly Perfect Recipe for Lifelong Lifestyle Change

Wow!  It is already Summer 2010 and man are we feeling it!  I don’t think too many of us object to the warmer weather!  Summer is a time that reminds us that life is to be lived ACTIVELY!  During the winter it is much easier to get into an “office” or “house” routine that limits […]

Get Started For Free!

Want to experience the Lifelong Fitness Difference? Right now you can get a free temporary membership!

– 2 FREE Personal Training Sessions with an actual fitness expert, not a big-box gym trainer
– Trainer / Client Compatibility Assessment
– Temp 24 / 7 Access to the private gym conveniently located in Kaysville
– Free workout on 1 or both sessions
– Optional nutrition session (if not used for another workout on the second session)
– Learn a new path to your goals
– Mini Teaching Session: The 5 Power Pillar Coaching System
– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

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