Goal Setting For Fitness: Part I – Discovering your Crystal-Clear Vision

Hello, my friends! It’s Griff, and I am excited to talk to you today about one of the most misunderstood topics of our day: setting goals for health and fitness. For some reason, most of my clients have a very hard time setting goals in this area of their lives. I have asked myself the […]
Fitness…Goals, and Vision…Your Lethal Combination!

As a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach, I have engaged in many a conversation with people about fitness and nutrition goals. As I engage in these conversations I am always blown away by the lack of clarity and vision that people have in regards to their health and fitness goals. The conversation usually goes as […]
Excuses & Meme’s…The Great American Way! Part I

If you find yourself making constant excuses as to why you do not exercise or eat healthy, then this blog is for you!
Father Time: Wanting more, but NEVER finding enough!

Beginning in the 1960’s numerous surveys from the Federal Government have been issued to the general population about exercise. One of the questions that have been asked from that decade forward is regarding why people DO NOT exercise. The #1 reason each and every year from that time forward is time. We just can’t seem […]