Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part III: Love

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part III: Love Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Love: it’s the universal language, yet its potential is so universally untapped. “I love my wife,” “I love my husband,” “I love my kids,” “and I love my grandkids.” These and many similar phrases are […]
Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part II

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part II: Laughter Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means “That’s not funny!” “Why don’t you grow up?” “This is not a laughing matter!” “When will you ever start to take life more seriously?” Sound familiar? It certainly does to me. In fact, one of […]
Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part I

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part I: Your Liver Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well, and I hope it is reciprocating! I know that I use this line a lot to open my blog posts, but, today, I will […]
QOTW – Average

Especially during the holidays it is hard to stick to your goals! People constantly pushing you to just skip the gym or eat all the dessert! Remember, that is what the average America does! Keep to your goals and stick to it through the holidays!
Blissfully Ignorant Fitness!

Blissfully Ignorant Fitness Recognizing and Dismissing Self-Sabotaging Stories in Your Mind Hello there, my friends! How the heck are you? I hope you are treating life well. I want to ask you a question, if you don’t mind? Have you ever become super excited to start an exercise program–I mean really excited, motivated, and psyched? […]
I am SOOOOOOO Excited To Start Exercising …Part I

I have noticed a common thread among those starting a fitness program for the first time or the first time in a long time. I have seen many people start gleaming with hope, enthusiasm, anxiousness, and even fanaticism. I have also seen some of those same people crash and burn in as little as 3 […]
Planning and Preparing Nutritious Meals

This is a great guide to healthy eating for the New Year. It summarizes all that you will need to know to eat healthy and consistent.
Face Your Fears and Succeed!

I am often asked questions such as “why is eating right so hard?” or “When can I find the time to workout 4-5 day’s per week?” To answer these questions refer to our last newsletter on Plateau Busting. In this issue I want to stress the importance of being persistent. Napoleon Hill, famous author of […]
Your 10-Step Recovery Program in becoming Excuse Free Part: 2

Last week we went over the first 5 steps in becoming excuse free in your pursuit of Lifestyle Change. This week we continue. If you haven’t read the first installment, I would encourage you to do so as a good preface to what you will read here. Step #6: Remember it is NOT as hard […]
Fad Diets…Sit Down and Hold on Cause Here Comes the TRUTH!

This is an article written to clarify myths concerning fad diets. It is in favor healthy eating, moderation and lifestyle change in general.