Getting Your Nutrition Back on Track! 5 Essential Steps

Without any doubt, nutrition is the hardest part for most people to master! On a scale of 1-10 (10 being completely healthy) how would you rank your nutrition? Nutrition truly is 80% of your success equation. Think of it…have you ever caught yourself in a mindset such as the following: “I workout so that I […]
6 Ways to Ensure Your New Years Resolutions!

I am often asked questions such as “why is eating right so hard?” or “When can I find the time to workout 4-5 days per week?” or “How can I keep my New Years Resolutions!” Napoleon Hill, famous author of the book “Think and Grow Rich” is quoted as saying “failure seems to shrink and fail […]
Your 10- Step Recovery Program in becoming Excuse Free: Part I

In my nearly 10 years of service in the health and fitness industry I have seen a common thread among those who fail at changing their lifestyle. That thread I am referring to is that of excuse making! We all have them and we all know deep down that they hinder our efforts to succeed […]