A Few Simple & Affordable Tests For Your Overall Health & Fitness
If you want a good overall snap shot of your health and fitness without breaking the bank, this article will give you a few simple & easy tests to perform at home or at a clinic.
Without These 3 Lifestyle Traits Your Health & Fitness Is Doomed To Failure…
If you want to optimize your health and fitness start with these 3 essential lifestyle traits.
Why Perfection Spells Disaster For Your Health & Fitness
Perfectionism usually has a negative connotation to it, but in reality our culture embraces it. Learn how it can destroy your health if you don’t deal with it.
Fitness and Self-Love Are Synonyms
Does real self-love require self care? Is self-care a form of self-love?
The Most Important Question That You Can Ask Regarding Your Health & Fitness…
If you can answer an emphatic YES to this question your health & fitness are practically guaranteed…