Without These 3 Lifestyle Traits Your Health & Fitness Is Doomed To Failure…
If you want to optimize your health and fitness start with these 3 essential lifestyle traits.
Why Perfection Spells Disaster For Your Health & Fitness
Perfectionism usually has a negative connotation to it, but in reality our culture embraces it. Learn how it can destroy your health if you don’t deal with it.
Will We Ever Stopping Falling For “Quick-Fix Fitness”?
We laugh at gadgets like the “Shaker Weight”, yet we persist in looking for quick fixes and health hacks. Do these really exist or are we fooling ourselves?
Are You Really Eating As Healthy as You Think You Are?
Right when you think you are eating healthy you learn these inconvenient truths…
But now worries we have you covered with solutions too! 😉
Having Gratitude For Your Own Greatness Regardless Of Where You Are At On Your Fitness Journey!
Its easy to beat yourself if you are not perfect on your fitness journey, but is this really healthy or effective?
The Nation of Inflammation! Part II…Does Inflammation Drive Food Addiction?
Does inflammation drive food addiction? If so what can you do to reverse or prevent it?
Fitness and Self-Love Are Synonyms
Does real self-love require self care? Is self-care a form of self-love?
When Is It Appropriate To Stop Exercising?
Is it right to follow the wisdom of “go heavy or go home” all of the time? In this article we will discuss why this might not be such a good idea after all.
What Is STOPPING You From Being In The Best Shape Of Your Life?
One of the major themes of my coaching over my 20+ year career is the starting point with my clients. The starting point is the place in time where the client steps into my office with inspiration coming out of their eyes and ears. They are brimming with a high desire to change their habits. […]
The Dialogue In Your Head Will Make or Break Your Health & Fitness
“Mindset” is a trite phrase that many of us even pay attention too, but what if I were to tell you that the dialogue in your head is sabotaging your health and fitness?