Being Uncomfortable With Your Current State of Health & Fitness Is The Best Thing For You…
When we feel physical discomfort, most of us try to get rid of the pain. Very few of us are listening to the deeper meaning that our body is trying to send us.
Have You Ever Been Accused of Being “Extreme” For Eating Healthy?
If you have ever been accused of being
“extreme” for your healthy ways, you should be patting yourself on the back!
You Must Be Outrageously DIFFERENT To Achieve Optimal Health…
It’s easy to want to be like everybody else because we are tribal beings, but to be healthy and fit we have to walk away from our tribe…
Inflammation Nation Part III: What Foods Cause Inflammation?
It’s easy to blame our genes for inflammation but could the foods that we are eating be part of the problem?
Having Gratitude For Your Own Greatness Regardless Of Where You Are At On Your Fitness Journey!
Its easy to beat yourself if you are not perfect on your fitness journey, but is this really healthy or effective?
Is Getting In The Best Shape of Your Life Really Worth the Time & Effort?
When you think of what it will take to get in the best shape of your life does it put a pit in your stomach? So many things to change! In this post we will give you 2 powerful tips to transform your mindset so that you start seeing exercising as pleasurable instead of painful!
Why You Must SLOW Down to Speed Up Your Health & Fitness
If you are looking to make improvements to your health & fitness is it better to go “all in” and “crush it!” OR is there wisdom in slowing down and taking it one small step at a time?
Is Nutrition a “Spiritual Practice?”
Have you ever considered your nutritional habits as a spiritual practice? For millions of years of human evolution it was just that. Should we return to our roots?
How Sleep Deprivation Blocks Weight Loss…
Okay confession time. How many times have you been guility of thinking that weight loss is simply a matter of “calories in vs. calories out”? It is an easy trap to fall into but in truth is FAR from the truth and far from the big picture and it is a very rudimentary way of […]
You Can Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life By Taking Only ONE STEP…
If you are trying to get in shape do you ever get overwhelmed by the thought of EVERYTHING that must change in your life? If so please read on…