Goal Setting For Fitness: Part I – Discovering your Crystal-Clear Vision

Hello, my friends! It’s Griff, and I am excited to talk to you today about one of the most misunderstood topics of our day: setting goals for health and fitness. For some reason, most of my clients have a very hard time setting goals in this area of their lives. I have asked myself the […]
5 Things Keeping You from Exercising, Eating Healthy, and Losing Weight!

Hey All! I am psyched that it is the weekend, and I wanted to post a quick blog about 5 reasons you are not exercising, eating healthy, or losing weight. Please be prepared because each of these reasons is very much different from the other. Correct these five things in your life, and your exercise […]
What is the glycemic Index? (Part II)

A couple weeks back I posted the first installment of this article that will help you understand what the basics of the glycemic index are. Today I want to continue speaking about the power of the glycemic index in helping you to change not only your physical body but also the more important things like energy […]
Excuses & Meme’s…Ensuring Your Health & Fitness Demise: Part II

Please read part I posted last week to shed light on what I am about to suggest in this post. Last week I told you that all of us have meme’s and that they act to impede our fitness and nutrition goals. Today I would like to give you some simple steps that you can […]
Time Crunch: Finding Time to Workout With your Busy Lifestyle

As a Corporate Wellness Public Speaker and Coach, one of the most common responses to my goal setting section, is: “Well Griff, I would love to commit to the lifestyle that you preach but I just don’t have the time”. As determined by national survey, time is the number one excuse as to why people […]
Making the MOST of Your Workout: A Primer guide to working out Smart and Effectively

“Three sets of ten are all you need to do son!” More is better. Go hard or go home! No pain no gain! We have all heard these age old clichés, but the problem is deciphering which ones are true and which ones are completely false. Today I want to give you a primer on […]
Five Food Ingredients to RUN Away From!

As a Public Speaker and Lifestyle Coach I often am approached with the following question: “Griff, what should I NOT eat?” Although I could write a 10-page blog on this subject I figure I will spare you the torture! 🙂 Today I just want to give you 5 of the worst possible ingredients of all […]