I want you to consider a question that will predict your health or the lack thereof.

The question is this…

“Is my health my number ONE priority?”

Now before you reflectively answer this question I want you to take a step back and really consider what I am asking you.  Do you REALLY make your health a priority?  You might be surprised when you answer the following questions:

-Do I MAKE TIME for daily exercise or do I find myself getting “too busy”?

-Do I make time for my nutritional needs?  Do I have a food prep routine or do I find myself eating pre-made processed foods because I “don’t have time” to for whole food preparation?

-Do I take time for myself to unwind and enjoy myself after a hard days work?

-Do I adequately hydrate my body on a daily basis?

-Do I get at least 7 hours of quality sleep?

-Do I often let myself slip to the bottom of the totem pole when life gets busy?

I could keep going but I think you get the point.  Making yourself a TRUE PRIORITY means that your health comes before ANYTHING else regardless of how busy life becomes.

I am interested to hear your take on this so please feel free to REPLY and let me know your thoughts!

Life is Good!


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