Your ultimate goal is to obtain a lifestyle that will serve you well for the rest of your life, providing you with energy, passion, and a genuine love for life, but only through consistency.

In order to change anything in our life we must first change our HABITS, yes habits. That is the good news. The bad news is that our current habits can be downright hard to break as they are thousands of times STRONGER than our current desire to change. Think of that for one moment… your habits are thousands of times stronger than your current desire to change. That means that even if you have the most exciting and stimulating thoughts of changing BUT you never act on those thoughts nothing will ever change!

The Solution: Stay consistent to your goals. This means persevering through the tough times that can and will come as you endeavor to change your lifestyle once and for all! The problem that I see time and time again is that people will get super motivated, hit the gym hard, do fantastic on their nutrition all for a brief exciting period. Then, as their old habits come knocking on the door they eventually succumb to their old ways of no fitness and bad nutrition. If you truly do persevere through your hard times day after day, those hard times will eventually turn into easy times because your habits have changed and you don’t even have to think about your new way of life… you’re in a blissful state known as auto-pilot!

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