We human beings are funny creatures.
We are incredibly complex and yet we are so simple.
At a basic level we are designed by Mother Nature to engage two very fundamental practices:
Practice #1: Avoid PAIN!
Practice #2: Seek pleasure
Notice the hierarchy here. We first seek to avoid pain rather than to seek pleasure.
This is cannot be overlooked when it comes to human behavior.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say that you want to change your life for the better. You want to lose 50 lbs. and get into the best shape of your life. You get excited, read some articles online on how to get started and then you are off to the races.
The first week is amazing and your inspiration is at an all time high.
Two weeks into your journey you notice that your zeal and excitement is starting to lessen. You scratch your head in dismay and say to yourself, “why am I not as motivated as I was two weeks ago?”
Three weeks in you notice that you are starting to slip back into your old habits. Part of you is frustrated and disappointed in yourself but the other part of you feels relieved that you don’t have to keep putting forth all of the hard work anymore because it is just too stressful.
The Pain Pleasure Ratio
So what is really going on here?
Let’s go back to the first two principles of avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Remember that the human nervous system is always rigged to avoid pain first! So for most people they get inspired by getting into better shape by some external cue, be it a video, an inspirational speaker or a New Years resolution.
In other words they initially experience pleasure which motivates them and inspires them to take action.
But then the inevitable happens….
They quickly realize that the pleasure filled vision in their head is preceded by a big wall of PAIN that has to be busted through to get to the pleasure on the other side!
What pain you ask?
The pain comes in the form of having to change old habits. No longer can they indulge in the ice cream and Netflix habit they have enjoyed for the last decade. No longer can they sleep in because their alarm clock is ringing at 5:00 a.m. so that they can get their workout in before work. No longer can they just stop by the fast food joint and pound a quick burger and fries because they already prepared themselves a healthy meal that they are not used to eating.
Oh, and they also have to do food prep, which takes time.
Pain, pain and more pain.
So How Then Is Change Possible?
I have consternated upon this question for 20 years now and have experienced the answer both personally and seen it professionally as well.
The truth of the matter is that you have to trick your mind, and I don’t mean that in some kind of cutesy quick fix way either.
What I am suggesting is that you MUST start to view your health and fitness journey as pleasurable rather then painful. This may seem impossible until you realize that the key to your success is what you place your FOCUS on.
For example, here at Lifelong Fitness we have our clients write out a “CCV” which stands for Crystal Clear Vision. In this document they write out what they want their lives to look like after they have crossed the finish line. In other words they picture themselves as fit, happy and healthy even if that is not their current reality. We then have them focus on WHY that is important.
If you can identify what your deep emotional drivers are, you will always find a source of internal inspiration when you need it. For example, let’s say that you identify your deep emotional driver as your desire to be in optimal health so that you can experience the love of your life and be the very best parent for your kids. That is a real emotional driver that keeps you focused on pleasure instead of pain.
The second key is accepting that you must experience the “pain” to gain the pleasure. A farmer doesn’t plant a seed on Monday and harvest on Tuesday. It takes time, patience and effort. There simply is no way around the pain element. But what you do have control over is your perceptions and attitudes.
If you wake up at 5:00 a.m. and sneer and roll over into a deep slumber, your perception is that working out is painful and not worth it. If instead you instantly remember WHY you set your goals in the first place and set your focus on all of the pleasureable things that you are gaining through the process, your perception and attitude will immediately change and so will your mood.
So the choice is yours. Will you choose to focus on all of the pain in your journey or will you choose to focus on what you are gaining from the process?
I choose pleasure and I hope that you do too. Life is hard, but that does not mean that it cannot also be pleasurable. They are not mutually exclusive.
Here is to choice and here is to victory.
Life is Good!
P.S. If you would like help on your health and fitness journey we can help! We are giving out 2 FREE sessions at the moment. Offers expires 11-15-23.