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It’s 5:30 a.m. and your alarm clock is buzzing.  You look over at your clock and you realize that it is January 2nd!  Time to get your warm and cozy butt out of bed for that new exercise routine that you committed too!

You hop out of bed only to be intercepted by the strategically placed gym shoes under your feet.  “Oh yeah” you say out loud!  With a smile on your face and a frown in your mind, you wrestle your shoes on and you triumphantly drive to the gym for your “hour-long workout”

20 minutes later you find yourself back in your car telling yourself, “well at least I got 20 minutes in…much better than what I have been doing”.

And truth be known you are right!  You are doing much MORE than you were doing before and it feels good.

As you get home from the gym you are greeted by the note that you wrote to yourself the day before when you were crafting your New Year’s Resolutions.

On that lengthy piece of paper you have written yourself out 10 new things that you plan on implementing that very day…

-Drink 90 oz of water
-Be sure to eat at least 3 veggies…
-Stop eating so much sugar!
-Pack your lunch!
-Meditate at night
-Cut out carbs
-Ect, ect, ect…..and the list goes on!

Lemme ask you a very bold question here.  What kind of success are you setting yourself up for in this scenario?

Even thought this scenario might seem a little extreme  I can personally attest to similar experiences and I have coached hundreds of people that have tried similar goal setting campaigns.

And do you know what the sad truth is?  The ALL fail in the long-run!


You will learn the answer in my 4 minute video below.  Trust me, you are going to want to take this advice and run with it if you want to achieve your next goal.


I hope you enjoyed my friends!  Be sure to comment below and remember…

Life is Good!

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Want to experience the Lifelong Fitness Difference? Right now you can get a free temporary membership!

– 2 FREE Personal Training Sessions with an actual fitness expert, not a big-box gym trainer
– Trainer / Client Compatibility Assessment
– Temp 24 / 7 Access to the private gym conveniently located in Kaysville
– Free workout on 1 or both sessions
– Optional nutrition session (if not used for another workout on the second session)
– Learn a new path to your goals
– Mini Teaching Session: The 5 Power Pillar Coaching System
– NO obligation to continue and just enough time to decide if you love us!

Fill Out The Form To Get Your Temporary Membership!