Marie Loosle
Lifelong Client Profile:
Marie lost 13% body fat on the Lifelong 5 Power Pillar Program
Body Fat: 29%
Hips: 42.5″
Weight: 156 pounds
Body Fat: 16%
Hips: 37.5″
Weight: 132 pounds

Lifelong Fitness is a personal training gym where you will be empowered to get unstuck. Finally shift not just your health and fitness, but the underlying mindset, habits, and beliefs that shape your life. From trainers with degrees in exercise science and other credentials far above industry standards, comprehensive nutrition coaching, custom routines built just for you, and 24/7 private access to our gym to our full 5 Power Pillar Coaching Program by Griff Neilson, you’ll have everything you need to transform faster than you thought possible. More than that, you’ll have the power to permanently get off the fitness rollercoaster and change for good.
Marie lost 13% body fat on the Lifelong 5 Power Pillar Program
Body Fat: 29%
Hips: 42.5″
Weight: 156 pounds
Body Fat: 16%
Hips: 37.5″
Weight: 132 pounds
JB went from 20% body fat to a staggering 6% on the Lifelong 5 Power Pillar Program
Body Fat: 20%
Body Fat: 6%
4 Month Transformation!
Alisa achieved her goals and lost 8% body fat on the Lifelong 5 Power Pillar Program
Body Fat: 23%
Weight: 118
Body Fat: 15%
Weight: 112
Dan lost an amazing 22% body fat in just 1 year on the Lifelong 5 Power Pillar Program
Body Fat: 38%
Body Fat: 16%
Bri lost 10% body fat in just 5 months on the Lifelong 5 Power Pillar Program
For the past 55 years, I’ve struggled to build up muscle. I had sufficient knowledge of weight training and nutrition, but I wasn’t making the progress I wanted. I was getting old and felt time was running out for me so I decided to hire a professional. I needed help to manage the basics, but was surprised at how multi-faceted that would become. Lifelong Fitness came highly recommended. Hiring a personal trainer was the missing link. Peace of mind has come in knowing, given my circumstances, this is the best shape I can be in, and my actions are effective and tailored specifically to my goals. Griff is an incredible mentor, who has guided me through roadblocks I never knew existed; to a point where I am finally seeing results.
You get inspired to get in shape
You make big plans and maybe buy some new gear.
You take action for a while.
Life starts to get in the way.
Your routine becomes hit-and-miss and you sometimes get down on yourself for losing momentum.
Some of your old ways creep back into your life.
You get frustrated with your plan.
You start the cycle again thinking, THIS time it will be different.
All you’re missing are a little more advanced, more cutting edge techniques and “hacks” and you’ll start to transform like you’ve always wanted to. You need the newest secrets Hollywood stars use to transform their bodies in just weeks…
Make no mistake, at Lifelong Fitness, we stay on the cutting edge of fitness research like NO one else in Utah.
BUT, even some of the best research that comes out of the fitness world actually backfires for most people.
So what is the real key to getting off the fitness rollercoaster?
If you learn nothing else for the rest of your life about getting fit, no matter how much money you spend, we promise, this will be the most valuable thing you learn, and we’re going to give it to you free right now:
You should read that box above one more time because it is the key that we have used to help literally hundreds of people turn their lives around. We’ll get back to that in a minute. For some reason, our culture worships at the altar of “multi-tasking”. But multi-tasking does not really exist.
The human brain is designed to focus on ONE task at a time and one task only. Sometimes it may feel like it is focusing on more than one thing, but in reality it is rapidly switching from one task to the next.
So if we can get over the whole “multi-tasking” lie that society keeps perpetuating then…and only then, can we start to make progress on our health and fitness goals.
Why? Because that is how you build mental momentum. Think about it.
You can either focus on 25 different things at a time which breeds confusion, frustration and overwhelm. Or you can focus on a simple, yet powerful habit change that can drastically alter your lifestyle for the better.
Master that single habit and then move on to the next. Rinse and repeat and 6 months from now you will have lost all of the weight you hoped to lose, gained teenage-like energy, and feel as confidant a s Superwoman or Wonderman.
And in case you are wondering that is exactly what we do here at Lifelong Fitness. As coaches and mentors we help you dial in on the ONE THING that is most relevant to meeting your health and fitness goals so that you can master it and then move onto the next level of mastery!
When it comes time to make positive change in your life you can draw from one of two places in your brain.
#1: Your conscious mind
Guess which option most people use
Most people try to use their CONSCIOUS mind which houses your hopes, dreams, desires and goals.
They might listen to a motivational speaker and get inspired to lose weight and get healthy and so they then make the CONSCIOUS decision that they are going to increase their willpower and make it happen!
So let’s pretend this conscious part of your brain is the left side (its not in reality so don’t go and Google it…it’s just for sake of illustration)
This is what most people refer to as your MINDSET and they speak of it as though it is the complete package and that is on ONLY thing that needs to be changed.
“Focus on improving your mindset” they say.
So you focus on being “positive” or increasing your desire to change. Using these positive emotions you set sail to start changing your habits.
But Your Conscious Mind Has an Evil Twin That Wants To Sabotage You…
But despite your conscious zeal, passion and desire to make improvements in your life you keep falling short and going back to square one as time passes.
You get frustrated because you have already worked on your “mindset”.
“Why Does This Keep Happening to Me” You Ask Yourself…
And here is the dirty little secret…
It keeps happening because your only addressing your conscious mind and you are neglecting it’s evil twin THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND!
#2 Your Subconscious Section
Just in case you are wondering, and I hope you are because it has the power to make or break your long-term health and fitness habits.
Your subconscious mind is really the part of your brain that is calling the shots despite the best of your “conscious efforts” that we just mentioned.
So trying changing your mindset is the wrong approach.
In other words you have can the best desires and intentions in the world brimming out of your conscious mind, but if your subconscious mind is filled with old beliefs and programming about how much of loser you are, or how much you lack will-power, or how bad your genetics are so “why even try?” kind of beliefs then….
We will teach you proven techniques and skills to rewire your brain to break unhealthy thought patterns, habits, overcome past traumas that are causing you to hold on to fear, unhealthy eating, thoughts, etc.
If we can successfully help thousands of other people overcome their past and create healthy mindsets, then I am confident we can help you too!
→ Pillar 1: Mindset
We will take you through a 7-step sequence that is designed to help you change the way that you think by helping you find the root reasons WHY you want to change. These are emotionally charged reasons that pack the power necessary to help you make the right decisions even when life gets hard and you don’t want to. Essentially, we are helping you to find your “WHY”.
→ Pillar 2: REALISTIC Goal Setting
We will help you set reasonable long, mid and short-term goals that are realistic to your goals and desires and will we revisit them regularly.
→ Pillar 3: Strategy
This is where things get fun because we will show you step-by-step how you are going to get to your goals and STAY there! Think of this as your “big picture view” of HOW you are going to accomplish your goals.
→ Pillar 4: Focus on Your ONE Thing
We know that it can be hard to think about change and make all of the necessary lifestyle adjustments. In fact, it can be flat out overwhelming. That is why we we’ll NEVER ask you to do more than you are capable of or WILLING to do.We are going to take a lifestyle journey together and to do what we need to be able to focus on ONE thing at a time so that we can make mini victories that will eventually turn into big victories.
→ Pillar 5: Accountability & Mentorship
In all honesty we will provide you with the accountability and the mental and physical tools to succeed but it is entirely up to you to IMPLEMENT them.
There are two undeniable truths that need to be addressed when it comes to changing your lifestyle. First is that changing your habits is absolutely required for lasting results. There is no shortcuts and you can’t fool yourself.
Second is the truth that changing your habits just happens to be one of the HARDEST things that you will ever encounter in your lifetime. Don’t believe me? Look at the millions of people getting onto the health and fitness roller coaster, trying different exercise plans, diets, coaches, ect. all to fall back to their old ways again.
Having gone through similar transformations ourselves we are here to help you through your journey! We offer accountability in its many forms whether you need expert advice, tough love, compassion and understanding or just a nudge in the right direction we are here to make sure that you understand your program and stick to it.