I will not lie…
I am the biggest fan of New Year’s Resolutions.
Yes, they have their place and yes than can be effective if taken seriously.
But I have a beef with them that I will to explain as clearly as possible.
Let’s start with a computer analogy.
Let’s say that you have an old computer that has multiple programs on it and of those programs there are 3 of which have a “priority coding” built within them that says that they will overrun any new program that you download into your computer. So no matter what new program you load into the computer, it still will not open up the new program become of the override coding of the old programs.
Okay, maybe a stretch of reality, but hopefully you get the point 😉
The exact same thing happens with a large percentage of people when they set a New Year’s resolution. They get excited for their new goal and they can’t wait to see all of the changes headed their way.
But their is a problem lurking under the hood that they are not seeing…
Priorities Vs. Resolutions
When somebody makes a goal of any kind there are two possible outcomes that is likely to occur based on previous conditioning of their mind.
Outcome #1: Subconscious Priority Dominance
Let’s say “Joe” makes a resolution.
But let us also assume that Joe has many priorities in his mind such as the following:
If these priorities trump the resolution that he is considering they will eventually erode and overtake it.
For example, let’s say that Joe sets the typical goal to eat clean foods and to pack his lunch every day, but then work starts to pick up and he is also called upon by his wife to pick up his son froom Kindergarten everyday. His boss lay’s some deadlines on him and without him knowing it, he places his priority of “family and career” over his resolution. This pattern continues for weeks and all of the sudden Joe finds himself wondering how he “fell of the wagon”, when in reality he simply became of victim of his own subconscious beliefs.
Outcome #2: Conscious Priority Dominance
Now let’s say that Joe makes the exact same resolution but with one very powerful difference.
This time Joe has made his health and fitness his #1 PRIORITY over everything else.
When work gets busy he still manages to find a way to attend to his health and fitness. Same with his family. It’s not that he becomes neglectful or either, and in fact he becomes a better employee and a better husband and dad.
How can that be?
Because the dirty little secret is that any other priority in life is subservient to your health and fitness!
How so you ask?
Because without it, those pre-programmed priorities will dominate and leave you in a sub-optimal state of health that will then trickle down into every area of your life that is important.
In this example Joe is in a state of conscious and unconscious alignment. In other words his priorities have been established in both realms and they are not fighting each other as in example #1. He has made it very clear that NOTHING will derail him from his goal. Life can throw him any number of curve balls and he will find a way to attend to his health and fitness regardless…the exact opposite of the previous example.
Is this making sense? If not please let me know because this one is HUGE!
I hope that you make the conscious decision to make your health and fitness your #1 priority this year without the associated guilt or shame. I can promise you that when you do, your life will change in an unprecedented way. In addition, all of your other top priorities will not only be more quickly realized but accentuated as well.
Sound too good to be true?
Try me;)
Please leave your COMMENTS below because I want to hear about your resolve to make your health and fitness your #1 PRIORITY!
Life is Good!