Why You Must SLOW Down to Speed Up Your Health & Fitness

If you are looking to make improvements to your health & fitness is it better to go “all in” and “crush it!” OR is there wisdom in slowing down and taking it one small step at a time?
Your Emotions Ultimately Determine Your Health & Fitness

It’s often assumed that our emotional makeup is hardwired genetically. But can our lifestyle choice actually determine the expression of our emotions?
You Can Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life By Taking Only ONE STEP…

If you are trying to get in shape do you ever get overwhelmed by the thought of EVERYTHING that must change in your life? If so please read on…
The 4th & Final Step to Overcome Your Bad Habit

About 10 years ago I had a client that loved her night glass of wine…or two…or three! I knew it was stunting her weight loss goal and her desire to have more energy when she woke up in the morning. I would always ask her to quit the wine and replace it with water thinking […]
How to Crush Your BAD Habit: Step #2 of 4

Are you ready for the second step in crushing your bad habit? In the first video I revealed the first step in reversing your bad habit…AWARENESS! If you have not watched that video yet do so before watching this one. Please list your 3 top limiting beliefs in the comment section and enjoy the video. […]
*&$#! Your Food! – The Forgotten Four Letter Word of American Nutrition

The Forgotten Four-Letter Word of American Nutrition Hello, my friends! I hope you are well. I am sure you might be scratching you head and wondering why I would promote such a “vulgar” title to today’s blog post. In truth, there is no way around it . . . I had to use it! America […]
Focus For Five Weeks And Forever Be Fit!

Focus For Five Weeks And Forever Be Fit! Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well! Life coach Tony Robbins is famous for saying, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” When I first heard this statement, I instinctively agreed. However, I failed to really understand the underlying principle until recently. I often have clients […]
Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part III: Love

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part III: Love Breaking Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Love: it’s the universal language, yet its potential is so universally untapped. “I love my wife,” “I love my husband,” “I love my kids,” “and I love my grandkids.” These and many similar phrases are […]
Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part II

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part II: Laughter Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means “That’s not funny!” “Why don’t you grow up?” “This is not a laughing matter!” “When will you ever start to take life more seriously?” Sound familiar? It certainly does to me. In fact, one of […]
Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Part I

What Does Your Liver, Laughter, and Love Have In Common? Part I: Your Liver Break Your Weight-Loss Plateau Through Unconventional Means Hello, my friends! I hope you are treating life well, and I hope it is reciprocating! I know that I use this line a lot to open my blog posts, but, today, I will […]